Symplocos migoi
Nagam., Flora of Taiwan, second edition 4: 116. photo 76. 1998. (Fl. Taiwan 2nd edit.)
Symplocos japonica A. DC. var. nakaharai Hayata
Bobua lucida (Thunb.) Kanehira & Sasaki
Symplocos nakaharai (Hayata) Masam.Masam., Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa 30: 62. 1940. (Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formos.)
Symplocos lucida auct. non Sieb. & Zucc.
日やまき. くろき.
- Small evergreen trees; twigs green to grayish dark brown, terete; young twigs green, conspicuously ridged below petioles, glabrous; terminal bud ovoid, apex acuminate, often curved, 3–10 mm long, glabrous except ciliolate margin of scales ciliolate.
- Leaves glabrous, elliptic or oblong, 3–9 cm long, 1–3 cm wide, apex shortly caudate, obtuse, base cuneate, margins recurved, crenate-serrate, with teeth 2–12 mm apart, midrib prominent on both surfaces, nerves 6–9 pairs, meeting in an intramarginal vein, slightly prominent on both surfaces, petiole glabrous, 3–10 mm long, sulcate on upper surface.
- Inflorescences axillary, a contracted spikes, branched like a paniculately branchedle, axis puberulous, ridged, to 1 cm long; bract persistent, semiorbicular to depressed ovate, 1.5–2 mm long, apex rounded, bracteoles 2, persistent, keeled, ovate, ca. 2 mm long, apex acute, with apiculate gland, glabrous or hairy along midrib, margin ciliolate. Calyx tube glabrous, 1.5 mm long, limb 1.5 mm long, deeply 5-lobed, lobes imbricate, ovate, apex rounded, 1.2–1.5 mm long, glabrous except ciliolate margin ciliolate; corolla white, 4.5–5.5 mm long, deeply 5-lobed, lobes elliptic, ciliolate; stamens 50–60; disc pilose; style glabrous, 5–6 mm long, ovary 3-locular.
- Fruits ellipsoid or obovoid, crowned by persistent calyx lobes, 9–13 mm long excluding calyx limb, 5–7 mm in diam., stone smooth, mesocarp woody, 3-locular, seed 1 in each locule, straight with straight embryo.
- Plants from Taiwan belonging to this species were previously referred to S. kuroki Nagam. (= S. lucida Sieb. & Zucc.), but they are easily distinguished by having more stamens and a 3-locular ovary. The epithet 'migoi' is selected after honors Hisao Migo
- 台灣 : 300–2,750m altitude.
TAIPEI: Peichatenshan, Li 3510; Kabosan, Suzuki 12796; Lupei, Hsieh et al. 674; Taranan, Bunzangun, Suzuki ST17842. ILAN: Hoping Logging track, Lu 12700; Taipingshan, Chuang et al. 4725, 4730, Suzuki 278; Mt. Daroko, Keng & Kao K2614; Taroko Forest, Liu et al. 6. TAOYUAN: Palin to Tamanshan, Yang 1263. HSINCHU: Mt. Maoili (Kuanwu), Liao & Kuo 1524; Yuanyanghu, Chen 184; Luchuantashan, Fukuyama 3420. MIAOLI: Kwanwu to Tzenshan, Wang & Yang 4734. NANTOU: Junfen, 2700–2750 m, Ohashi et al. 12540; Nengkao, Saito & Kikuchi 20; Hohuanshan-Tsuifeng, Ying 1610. CHIAYI: Alishan, Chen 4092, Kuo 5748, Ando et al. 538. PINGTUNG: Kaoshihfoshan, Ohashi et al. 13503; Mutan Liu 197. TAITUNG: Nanhui highway, Wang 701. HUALIEN: Yuhli, Wang 597; Hoping Forest Rd, Hu 2201; Lomawangshsan, Ying 1328, 1333.
共有 34 份典藏標本 所有標本模式標本
王震哲 J.C.Wang, H.W.Lin, M.F.Kao, etc.
花蓮 Hualien
謝長富 C.F.Hsieh, T.S.Hsieh, C.S.Hsiao
台北 Taipei
李瑞宗 R.T.Li
桃園 Taoyuan
李瑞宗 R.T.Li
桃園 Taoyuan
楊國禎 K.C.Yang
台北 Taipei
楊國禎 K.C.Yang
台北 Taipei
楊國禎 K.C.Yang
桃園 Taoyuan
嘉義 Chiayi
郭長生 Chang-Sheng Kuoh
嘉義 Chiayi
嘉義 Chiayi
田村道夫 M.Tamura, 清水建美 T.Shimizu, 高木村 M.T.Kao
宜蘭 Ilan
C.C.Chuang, J.M.Chao, 高木村 M.T.Kao
宜蘭 Ilan
莊燦陽 T.I.Chuang, P.I.Lin
台北 Taipei
C.C.Chuang, J.M.Chao, 高木村 M.T.Kao
宜蘭 Ilan
Liu, Chen, Kao
花蓮 Hualien
Keng, Kao
花蓮 Hualien
鈴木時夫 Suzuki-Tokio
台北 Taipei
鈴木時夫 Suzuki-Tokio
台東 Taitung
中村泰造 Nakamura-Taizo
台北 Taipei
鈴木時夫 Suzuki-Tokio
宜蘭 Ilan
佐佐木舜一 S.Sasaki
福山伯明 N.Fukuyama
台北 Taipei
鈴木時夫 Suzuki-Tokio
台北 Taipei
佐佐木舜一 S.Sasaki
花蓮 Hualien
佐佐木舜一 S.Sasaki
花蓮 Hualien
福山伯明 N.Fukuyama
苗栗 Miaoli
鈴木重良 Sigeyosi Suzuki, 田本秋實
宜蘭 Ilan
鈴木重良 S.Suzuki
宜蘭 Ilan
鈴木重良 S.Suzuki
宜蘭 Ilan
鈴木重良 S.Suzuki
宜蘭 Ilan
鈴木重良 Sigeyosi Suzuki
宜蘭 Ilan
鈴木重良 S.Suzuki
宜蘭 Ilan
Y.Saito, K.Kikuchi
南投 Nantou
金平亮三 Ryozo Kanehira, 佐佐木舜一 Syuniti Sasaki
桃園 Taoyuan
共有 1 份典藏標本所有標本模式標本
田村道夫 M.Tamura, 清水建美 T.Shimizu, 高木村 M.T.Kao
宜蘭 Ilan